Cultural heritage mapping qld. He has extensive field experience from throughout Qld, N.
Cultural heritage mapping qld The Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003 and the Torres Strait Islander Cultural Heritage Act 2003 (the Acts) identify Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander parties who should be involved in the assessment and management of cultural heritage. These layers can be switched on and off by ticking the box to the left of the title layer in the right-hand pane as shown. Powerlink meets its obligations under the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003, the Queensland Heritage Act 1992, and Commonwealth legislation. As I understand it, the nature of the Cultural Heritage in question was always flexibility according to circumstances. heritage@datsip. Proposal 3 - Amend the Cultural Heritage Acts to expressly recognise intangible elements of cultural heritage. The Cultural Heritage Bodies dataset is the spatial representation of state-wide Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Heritage Body boundaries as described under the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003 and the Torres Strait Islander Cultural Heritage Act 2003 (the Acts). The main purpose of the Cultural Heritage Acts is to provide effective recognition, protection and conservation of Aboriginal and ‘What was before Lord Vestey born and I born? It was blackfella country. Map showing places in the Queensland Heritage Register. Queensland Heritage Guideline : Conservation Management Plan; ii. These are discussed below. Land use planning, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural heritage and native title; d. 01 . The Traditional Custodians in the Moreton Bay Regional Council area are the Turrbal, Kabi Kabi and Jinibara peoples. Some forms of Aboriginal cultural heritage seen in the Redlands include: Stone artefacts: Aboriginal People used stones for a variety of purposes. Advancements in technology and the development of digital mapping lead to the decommissioning of the Klimsch cameras in 2007. interest—cultural heritage within their planning scheme. The definition must include recognition of The State of the Environment report is a whole-of-government report that: assesses the condition of Queensland's environment and coastal zone; identifies significant trends in environmental and coastal values; reviews activities for protecting, managing and restoring the environment and coastal zone; and evaluates the efficiency and effectiveness of environmental and coastal management strategies. Mapping and Surveying. Cadastral mapping of Queensland. Any evidence reported after that mapping would be brought into suspicion, yet it is the existence of unremembered heritage that is the whole reason that archaeology exists. Instream structure - fish He has an M. This review of Indigenous Cultural Mapping forms part of a broader research program developed by the Alliance in partnership with the Australian Government Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment The tool is regularly updated with new mapping and information as it becomes available. They Jul 10, 2017 · The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural heritage register records one place for the Central Cultural Heritage Region. Click here to view the Online Mapping Tool Planning for the management and conservation of biodiversity and cultural heritage at Urumbal Pocket Koombooloomba Dam, far north Queensland: $74,618: 2018-19: Cape York Weeds and Feral Animals Incorporated: Bonny Glen Cultural and Environmental Land Management Planning: $75,000: 2018-19: Mithaka Aboriginal Corporation RNTCB: Mithaka Cultural Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander parties as defined by the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003 or the Torres Strait Islander Cultural Heritage Act 2003, including their authorized representatives. The database is an information tool established under the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural heritage legislation to help assess the cultural heritage values of an area. Read about the history of Queensland mapping, and access our collections of historical maps, photographs, and research resources. Show all places on a map This document summarizes cultural mapping of built heritage sites in Panglao, Bohol. We proactively engage with Traditional Owner groups to foster respectful and positive relationships, including through our established agreement making approach. 1987 Fire scar mapping Queensland. 2 Regulatory framework In Queensland the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003 (Qld) (ACH Act) and the Torres Strait Islander Cultural Heritage Act 2003 (Qld), administered by the (then) Department of Aboriginal Queensland mapping history including the development of map products. Public Map and Resources. A. The department is finalising the review of the Cultural Heritage Acts, which is examining whether the legislation: Queensland’s heritage—embodied in its historic buildings, structures, gardens, cemeteries, archaeological sites, streetscapes, townscapes and landscapes—is a unique, diverse and irreplaceable cultural resource. Related links. This review of Indigenous Cultural Mapping forms part Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander parties as defined by the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003 or the Torres Strait Islander Cultural Heritage Act 2003, including their authorized representatives. ’ Vincent Lingiari (Wattie Creek 1966) Australia’s First Peoples have been living on the Australian continent for millenia. Review of the Cultural Heritage Acts. The online mapping service is a joint initiative of Maranoa Regional Council and the Queensland Government. The Options Paper does Jul 10, 2017 · Queensland. Heritage Mapping The proposed proactive mapping of cultural heritage areas across Queensland as either ‘high risk’ or not is a large undertaking and possibly an unrealistic aspiration. Mar 31, 2022 · also recommended that cultural heritage legislation include a process for mapping cultural heritage sites, including a record of past destruction. The ACH Act replaced the Cultural Record (Landscapes Queensland and Queensland Estate) Act 1987. places of State-level cultural heritage significance; and 2. For Queensland Government staff. View images of instruments and equipment used to survey and map Queensland. Fish habitat area. Cultural Heritage Queensland's cultural heritage is rich and diverse, reflecting its Aboriginal history and colonial past. 3 - Undertake a review of the Sunshine Coast Planning Scheme 2014 by updating the local heritage register (and overlay mapping) contained within the planning scheme). At 30 June 2015, the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural heritage database recorded 42,537 site locations in Queensland. Search the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Heritage online portal to identify specific cultural heritage studies. Core concepts solidification of the maps as a definitive account. Options Paper – Finalising the Review of Queensland’s Cultural Heritage Acts The options paper sets out proposals in relation to three key areas: 1. Search the Cultural Heritage Online Portal to find a registered cultural heritage body for an area and their contact details. Jul 10, 2017 · The State of the Environment report is a whole-of-government report that: assesses the condition of Queensland's environment and coastal zone; identifies significant trends in environmental and coastal values; reviews activities for protecting, managing and restoring the environment and coastal zone; and evaluates the efficiency and effectiveness of environmental and coastal management strategies. By 1875, pastoral district maps at a scale of 20 chains to an inch (1:15,840) were being published. Find out how to access the collection of historical Queensland photographs. The focus of the discussion is on a collection of Queensland maps that have undergone restoration as part of the Queensland Parliament Heritage Conservation 4 Corners Heritage is a specialist cultural heritage consultancy based in Brisbane, Queensland Who we are At our core, we are a dedicated team of heritage experts committed to purpose-driven work. The register Cultural heritage management plans. The Cultural Capability Portal has resources and information to help Queensland We all have a role to play in preserving our cultural heritage for future generations to experience and enjoy. Cultural acknowledgement We pay our respects to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ancestors of this land, their spirits and their legacy. Such a database should include adequate safeguards to protect secret information and ensure traditional owner control of their information on any database. P age 14. Intangible cultural heritage should be recognised and protected in the same manner as tangible cultural heritage, and ownership of that intangible heritage vested in First Nations. 3) A 40-meter deep well built in the 1950s that was the source of water for drinking The Cultural Heritage Parties dataset is the spatial representation of state-wide Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Native Title Party boundaries within Queensland as described under the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003 and the Torres Strait Islander Cultural Heritage Act 2003 (the Acts). For more information on Aboriginal cultural heritage, visit the Department of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships (DATSIP). This Initiative brings together First Nations, business and investor communities to create a shared vision for strengthening Australia’s Aboriginal heritage laws and standards for the private sector that uphold the human rights of First Peoples, in line with international agreements and community expectations. Review of Queensland’s Cultural Heritage Acts dated December 2021 published by the Queensland Government. Cultural acknowledgement. The Cultural Heritage Online Portal allows any member of the public to view information recorded in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural heritage register. . We have a stringent planning and due diligence process to protect cultural heritage, including: searching the database and register for the proposed harvesting area and surroundings; locating cultural heritage features (in some instances) Home > Public Map Find Out More About Queensland's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Heritage. The map will display all cultural heritage register layers in addition to other layers such as heritage related areas (Qld subset), towns, mining tenements, and local government areas. Where the information available on or through the Database is a list which highlights identified Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander cultural heritage sites for a nominated search area, then no guarantee is made regarding the accuracy of the information provided, including the longitude and latitude location description for any cultural 1 CULTURAL HERITAGE The following report updates Volume 8, Chapter 9 of the draft EIS and includes the following: Outcomes of indigenous cultural heritage site mapping. 1 Extent of Recorded/Known Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Prior to issuing a notice under Part 7 of the legislation the sponsor should undertake a search of the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Register and Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Database to determine whether there is any existing record of Aboriginal cultural heritage in the plan area. D. Embracing diversity is at the core of the National Trust's mission in Queensland. (University of Qld) and a Ph. Cultural Heritage Data - Queensland series metadata record xml Full ISO 19115 metadata record Cultural Heritage Body boundaries – Queensland SHP, TAB, FGDB, KMZ, GPKG Procedural guide . The public map contains publicly available information recorded in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural This project involves the comprehensive mapping and recording of cultural heritage sites across Nyikina Mangala lands. Licence Last reviewed 1 July 2022 Last updated 28 February 2023 Jul 22, 2007 · “The Cultural Heritage Map of Queensland will help all Queenslanders appreciate the history and traditions of our State. 2. To provide feedback, please email planning@maranoa. The register is established and maintained under Part 5 of the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003 and the Torres Strait Islander Cultural Heritage Act 2003. It describes 4 sites: 1) San Agustin Academy, the oldest private high school, built of wood with carved decorations. Locate Queensland heritage information and significant places. In Cultural and Heritage Tourism in Australia, 2008, a Cultural and Heritage trip is defined as one including: develop the Cultural Heritage Management Plans (CHMPs) (which includes provision for further field survey). Land Users and consultants who regularly search the database and register for duty of care purposes. W and Northern Territory. The earliest maps drawn over Queensland showed the location of pastoral runs being leased. S. People, families and groups who should be involved in the assessment and management of cultural heritage. the Act provides for the identification and conservation of two levels of cultural heritage places in Queensland: 1. Contains maps, images, reports and other documents regarding cultural heritage sites in Queensland. Sep 27, 2016 · Contents Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003 Page 2 19 Ownership and custody of secret or sacred object . Our team is working closely with the Nyikina Mangala community to document significant cultural landscapes, stories, and sites using advanced web-mapping technology. Feb 8, 2024 · Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003; Duty of care guidelines; Queensland Heritage Act 1992. The purpose of this Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service (QPWS) Procedural Guide is to provide a consistent Queensland to undertake this work. The First Nations Heritage Protection Alliance (the Alliance) commissioned The Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining (CSRM) at The University of Queensland to undertake this work. The foundations laid by these ancestors—our First Nations peoples—give strength, inspiration and courage to current and future generations towards creating a better Queensland. Survey methodologies for ongoing field development. 2) The old house of Nang Cita, a two-story molave wood house from the 1940s used as a home and storage. 1. Torres Strait Islander cultural heritage in section 8 of the Cultural Heritage Acts so that intangible heritage is protected. Significance assessments for non-indigenous cultural heritage sites. Title South East Queensland Cultural Heritage Map Description. The public map contains publicly available information recorded in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural heritage register maintained under the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural heritage legislation. Learn more about how to comply with Queensland’s cultural heritage laws. 17. ” Examples of cultural heritage sites listed on the map include: At 31 March 2020, the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural heritage database held 10,996 site locations for Central Cultural Heritage region. The Cultural Heritage Parties dataset is the spatial representation of state-wide Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Native Title Party boundaries within Queensland as SHP, TAB, FGDB, KMZ, GPKG XML How do I meet cultural heritage duty of care? The cultural heritage duty of care can be met by acting: in compliance with gazetted cultural heritage duty of care guidelines; under an approved Cultural Heritage Management Plan (CHMP) developed under Part 7 of the Cultural Heritage Acts; under a native title agreement or another agreement with an Email: cultural. Proposal 2 - Integrate cultural heritage protection and mapping into land planning to enable identification of cultural heritage at an ear ly stage and consideration of its protection. Proposal 2-Integrate cultural heritage protection and mapping into land planning to enable identification of cultural heritage at an early stage and consideration of its protection. 1. Heritage Act 1992. Energy Queensland understands this option to mean that a risk -based trigger would be introduced (similar to environmental legislative ii. In this video, Ruth Nitkiewicz, a librarian at Queensland Parliament, introduces special guests Bill Kitson and Kaye Nardella from the Queensland Museum of Lands, Mapping and Surveying. Historical timber find at Beerburrum to Nambour rail upgrade early works site The Cultural Heritage Parties dataset is the spatial representation of state-wide Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Native Title Party boundaries within Queensland as SHP, TAB, FGDB, KMZ, GPKG XML The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural heritage register records 1 place for the Central Cultural Heritage Region. Types of Aboriginal cultural heritage. Cultural Capability Portal. State interest—cultural heritage The cultural heritage significance of heritage places and heritage areas, including places of Indigenous cultural heritage, is conserved for the benefit of the community and future generations. Learn how to identify, protect, and manage Australia’s Indigenous cultural heritage, including places, objects, and other items that hold cultural significance. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Heritage Database Search Request Form. Mapping system: A system where there is mapping of high-risk cultural heritage areas in Queensland involving engagement with Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander parties to identify areas and assess cultural heritage to be protected. State Government of Queensland | Contact us | Copyright | Disclaimer | Privacy statement | Accessibility statement | Images courtesy of Tourism and Events Queensland Cultural Heritage Party boundaries - Queensland The Cultural Heritage Parties dataset is the spatial representation of state-wide Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Native Title Party boundaries within Queensland as Contains maps, images, reports and other documents regarding cultural heritage sites in Queensland. Learn about Queensland’s mapping history. In 1881, the first 16-mile to an inch (1:1,013,760) map covering all of Queensland in a number of sheets was released. cultural heritage criteria in the Queensland Heritage Act. Learn about Queensland’s historical mapping processes. culture and heritage; Heritage; Cultural acknowledgement. Cultural heritage party boundary 1988 Fire scar mapping Queensland. Jun 12, 2015 · Heritage Places; Queensland Cultural Centre; Interactive mapping. Nov 11, 2024 · Cultural Heritage Online Portal. au Access to persons in order to satisfy the cultural heritage duty of care If a person is carrying out activities that may impact on Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander cultural heritage, the The Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003 (Qld) and the Torres Strait Islander Cultural Heritage Act 2003 (Qld) Find Out More Aboriginal Heritage Act 1988 (SA) This discussion paper presents a desktop analysis on the topic of Indigenous Cultural Mapping with a focus on the Australian context. Land users in Queensland need to comply with the following cultural heritage laws: Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003; Torres Strait Islander Cultural Heritage Act 2003. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander parties as defined by the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003 or the Torres Strait Islander Cultural Heritage Act 2003, including their authorized representatives. Has an application been considered within the past one to five years? Under the Queensland Heritage Act 1992, there are restrictions on applications to enter a place in the Queensland Heritage Register being considered by the Queensland Heritage Council (QHC) between 1 and 5 years after it Feb 8, 2023 · Queensland Heritage Register. Discover the rich tapestry of cultural heritage with National Trust Queensland. 0 Purpose . Department of Environment and Science . In Queensland, indigenous cultural heritage and non indigenous cultural heritage are accommodated by two separate pieces of legislation – the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003 and the Queensland. This review of Indigenous Cultural Mapping forms part of a mapping project and a cultural heritage management plan is also Aug 18, 2019 · The proposed amendment is designed to give effect to a key action arising from the Sunshine Coast Heritage Plan 2015 (Action 1. Artefacts can include The research needs to be viewed in the context of the State‘s introduction of an Integrated Planning Act in 1997 which required QLD local governments to undertake both cultural heritage mapping and cultural mapping in order to inform the development of cultural plans for the management of all local cultural resources (the receipt of state how arts and cultural activities can value add to the visitors’ experience and provide potential income generation will be beneficial to the creative and cultural sector and of course, the local economy. A search of the database and register for persons undertaking an activity, section 23(2)(e), under the ACHA (Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act) and TSICHA (Torres Strait Islander Cultural Heritage Act) will in part satisfy a persons Duty of Care. Provides historical resources and services about Queensland's land, mapping and surveying, and access to the virtual museum. Extent Heritage has additional comments about some of the critical aspects of the Options Paper. Cultural heritage The Beerburrum to Nambour Rail Upgrade project area is surrounded by a unique landscape that has significant environmental, cultural and heritage attributes. Managing Indigenous Cultural Heritage . Page 2 of 4 • QPW/2015/1461 v1. Aboriginal cultural heritage is administered under the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003 by the Department Our Queensland heritage consultants have expertise in the preparation of Aboriginal cultural heritage management plans (under the Queensland Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003), and archaeological survey, excavation and community engagement to assist proponents to meet their cultural heritage duty of care. No new places have been recorded since 2004. The map contains publicly available information recorded in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural heritage register maintained under the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural heritage legislation. The software and hardware made it possible to create, store, manipulate, integrate, analyse and output spatial data. gov. The department is finalising the review of the Cultural Heritage Acts, which is examining whether the legislation: The University of Queensland (UQ) is one of Australia's leading research and mapping project and a cultural heritage management plan is also important, but We work closely with communities to identify the inter-relationships between heritage places and to understand and map cultural associations, fully appreciating that sometimes a landscape’s significance is greater than the sum of its individual parts. for local heritage place: i. “It will be an eye-opener to many Queenslanders who may not be aware of the great number and importance of Queensland sites. The Cultural Heritage Parties dataset is the spatial representation of state-wide Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Native Title Party boundaries within Queensland as described under the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003 and the Torres Strait Islander Cultural Heritage Act 2003 (the Acts). City Plan Interactive Mapping. (Griffith University). Nov 12, 2024 · Our Cultural Heritage Unit helps land users and Traditional Owners protect and manage cultural heritage. Search for a cultural heritage study. Large format cameras were used to reproduce maps for offset lithographic printing. Home > Public Map Find Out More About Queensland's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Heritage. The purpose of a cultural heritage body is to: identify the Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander parties for an area The database contains information about cultural heritage sites and places collected over a period of more than 40 years including geographical location details, reports, site cards, images and other documentation. This map shows the cultural heritage areas covered by each Traditional Custodian group, as at July 2023. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australia is made up of many different and distinct groups, each with their own culture, customs, language and laws. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have lived in the region for over 50,000 years, and their cultural heritage is evident in numerous sites across the state. au. Data and Resources. Any land user can develop and seek approval for a Cultural Heritage Management Plan (CHMP) under the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003 and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Heritage Act 2003 (the Cultural Heritage Acts). The First Nations Heritage Protection Alliance (the Alliance) commissioned CSRM at The University of Queensland to undertake this work. No new places have been recorded since July 2016. In Cultural and Heritage Tourism in Australia, 2008, a Cultural and Heritage trip is defined as one including: how arts and cultural activities can value add to the visitors’ experience and provide potential income generation will be beneficial to the creative and cultural sector and of course, the local economy. providing opportunities to improve cultural heritage protection; 2. NSW Heritage Office; iv. He has extensive field experience from throughout Qld, N. Queensland Heritage Guideline : Developing heritage places: Using the development criteria; iii. Purpose of the Cultural Heritage Acts. The review began in 2019 but was paused in 2020 Cultural heritage [5] 1987 Fire scar mapping Queensland Fish habitat area Instream structure - fish habitat area Koala plan [15] Koala priority area Where the information available on or through the Database is a list which highlights identified Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander cultural heritage sites for a nominated search area, then no guarantee is made regarding the accuracy of the information provided, including the longitude and latitude location description for any cultural For background information about the database and register, including guidelines and restriction on access, please consult the Department's website or contact the Cultural Heritage Unit on 1300 378 401. Further discussion and clarification required: CCAA members note that while there are positive aspects to Proposal 1, concerns have been raised regarding the overall Proposal as outlined below: • Publicly available mapping of potential cultural heritage areas in Queensland will assist in the review of the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003 and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Heritage Act 2003 to ensure these Acts continue to protect and conserve Queensland’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural heritage, while facilitating business and development activity. Page prepared by — Brisbane City Council (page revised 1986 saw another major advancement in map production and delivery in the Queensland government with the introduction of computer-based geographic information systems (GIS). . We honour First Nations' traditions, heritage and histories, along with the immigrant contributions that have beautifully moulded our multicultural society today. qld. Photography contributed greatly to map reproduction and map quality. In practice, the Act mainly protects built European heritage such as historic buildings. The review of the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003 (Qld) and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Heritage Act 2003 (Qld) originally began in 2019, but was paused in 2020 because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Heritage Act aims to protect Queensland’s heritage from incompatible development and neglect, and conserve it Strait Islander party to protect cultural heritage. A Cultural Heritage Register and Cultural Heritage Database have The register contains information about cultural heritage studies recorded under Part 6 of the legislation, cultural heritage management plans registered under Part 7 of the legislation, designated landscape area recorded under previous legislation, registered cultural heritage bodies, and details about statutory Aboriginal and Torres Strait They are responsible for assessing the cultural heritage significance of an area under Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander tradition, custom or history. The Government has announced that it is committed to finalising this review, and consultation on the proposals set out in the Options Paper 2. The Queensland Heritage Act 1992 creates a framework to protect places or objects of cultural heritage significance for aesthetic, architectural, historic, scientific, social or technological reasons. governments to identify places of cultural heritage significance in Queensland and to protect them for the benefit of present and future generations. He has published in the areas of archaeology, ethnoarchaeology, history, taphonomy, cultural heritage management and museology. 17 Division 4 Other Aboriginal Search the Queensland Heritage Register, a list of places, trees, natural formations, and buildings of cultural heritage significance. All State legislation (Indigenous cultural heritage) In Queensland, Aboriginal cultural heritage is administered under the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act 2003 (ACH Act) by the DERM. A CHMP is an agreement between a land user (sponsor) and Traditional Owners (endorsed party). nqwl bvca vzryl styz pefghhym srzghs rmx jufa yzdpum aiipsxhj