Fun electives mcgill. I really liked contemporary foreign policy.
Fun electives mcgill Students will learn about their own diets and nutritional intake, as well as about how food research is portrayed in the media. in Arts, Science, etc. Prof. McGill Unlike required courses, electives are classes you choose based on your interests. i went to university hoping to at least take an interesting, stereotypical college course like ‘western films’ or ‘famous crimes’. Canadian Literature with Professor Lecker if you enjoy close reading (text analysis). So do you guys have any recommendations for fun and light humanities, econ, or comp courses. Procedure for Electives in the MDCM Program Procedure for Scheduling an Elective A flowchart of these COMP 598 - Data Science section is incredibly easy so far if you have any experience with python and basic Linux terminal commands. COMP 206: Intro to Software This is the one and only McGill University subreddit. I would definitely take this as an elective "fun" course. Please review the General policy on electives and observerships for the MDCM Program: View Policy For electives management, please login to MDCM360. Oegema is an absolutely lovely guy who cares very deeply about teaching and getting people passionate about the topic that he loves but it does hurt him when people don't show the minimum amount of respect. By far the most interesting course ive taken at Hey, I'm going into my u2 year in the fall pursing a joint major in computer science and math. A lot of people find it difficult to balance 5 courses (15 credits) in a semester, which is standard course load throughout university. Rate My Professor McGill. Natural disaster is the easiest elective - even easier than chem of food. History courses also might provide a good opportunity for you to improve your thesis-driven writing. In my experience, the higher level history courses require a minimum of one research paper per semester and usually have a few more essay writing opportunities for exams and midterms. Sep 7, 2016 · A classic elective at McGill, CHEM 181 is one of the Faculty of Science’s most popular courses. However, the conferences are in person, but they’re only worth 5% so might be worth looking into as an option. Chemistry courses can often leave students fearful for their GPAs, but CHEM 181 is the exception. Another elective I had was PSYC 302, I would strongly discourage you from taking it. Difficulty. I know about Drugs 101 but there's a decent waiting list already formed for that so was wondering if anyone has any recommendations here :) Took 521 with no prior interest or experience in games in 2018, now going to be coming up on 3 years as a game developer!! I loved the class, the assignments were heavy/time-consuming but not more than you’d expect from any 500 probably (though I took 546, 547 and a couple others and found they took considerably less time so idk, but still were way less fun). Science through a philosophical perspective. Each course offered in the Department of English begins with the designation ENGL followed a three digit number. If you like puzzles, you might enjoy math 240, 235, or 242 since these are all introductory proof-based courses that make you think in a different way from the "plug-and-chug" material you see in introductory calculus. crazy nice guy and a good professor. May 10, 2024 · Here are 10 of the easiest classes at McGill University. The assignments are fun and pretty gamey. Most high schools offer electives that cover a wide variety of topics, so you're sure to find some that interest you! This list was created by compiling the elective options from numerous high schools across the country. I really liked contemporary foreign policy. For any level of competency. NON-MANAGEMENT ELECTIVES: Suggested Non-Management Electives Non-management courses may be taken from a broad range of faculties and departments, subject to the exclusions of course overlap regarding statistics, economics, and the restrictions listed below. Colbourne has taken on a leadership role as a TA in 2 courses I've attended at McGill. The prof is super nice and you get to drum with a group for two hours a week while sitting barefoot and cross-legged on carpets. ca Fax: 514 ii) mcgill’s priority on research emphasis on research = underemphasis on teaching. The respect thing is very true. My section of EAST230 got cancelled so I've been thinking of picking ECON250-D1 up as a fun elective (with the intention of taking the second part); I have never taken an Econ course before but I really enjoy math and feel the subject matter would be quite cool, I don't mind if it is time-consuming. Taking an elective is a convenient way to try out a course outside your principal This is the one and only McGill University subreddit. Although I really enjoyed the class and think I learned a lot of it, I failed the midterm, and even if I get 100 at the final, I would most certainly get a grade under the average, and under all my other class grades. the range of courses and scheduling is really limited. which classes that you took at mcgill were the most interesting, useful, and/or fun, etc? what did you learn? any underrated class that people should take? let me know :D MUAR 211: Probably my favorite class I've taken at McGill. Midterm averages in that class has consistently been in the 50s and low 60s. It will be a pleasure. Feb 18, 2025 · Are you looking for exciting courses at McGill that will help give you a GPA boost? There are plenty of fun, easy and interesting courses! Oct 8, 2018 · If you go to McGill, you have probably taken this class or have at least heard of it. ) allowing you to explore broader interests. Oegema is my supervisor (I'm a grad student). students: You may enrol in any courses offered in the Faculties of Arts or Science as elective courses You must have completed the As a former TA for this class, I can say it is a lot of work. 4. g. Both Hello, I was recently admitted to Mcgill, in a bachelor in electrical engineering. You may wish to take only 4 courses in order to avoid being overloaded. ORGB325 Negotiation is curved to a B+ (like all management courses) but I’d recommend it to anyone. Her material isn't too hard but you should definitely do the practice questions because she might throw a bit of a curveball on the midterm. On top of that, they've been a great way for me to boost my overall CGPA. It wasn't very easy, but most interesting courses will be fun when you just have to worry about passing. The final does have a 600 word essay on the history of your choice of 4 topics he chooses from, so it helps to be organized topically. My areas of interests are: psychology, philosophy, sociology and political science. I’m just looking for 1 or two other electives preferably between Monday-Thursday. Even if this course is not part of your major, I would recommend taking it as an elective to give programming a try. 200 is easier overall, but crams more stuff into the same time period. The reports are mostly your sketches of the fossils. Have you tried CLA 2102 or 2104? are they super easy? looking for a winter elective Jan 22, 2025 · 3. I just graduated in management too and did natural disaster in fall 2022 and the class average was an A. also? there aren’t any fun courses. Learning Platforms Hebrew Courses Hebrew Courses is oriented for intermediate speakers who would like to learn more about the language. I may even take one for this coming Fall semester because I still need one more course to get enough credits to enter the program. Its in a lectorial format and is based around international relations and recent history. The university traces its roots to Victoria College, the first post-secondary institution established in British Columbia in 1903, it was then reorganized in 1963 into its present form. fun! Taught by R Storrs McCall. The class was pretty easy, but you still had to do the readings which kept you engaged. gg/HDHvv58 Some people don't like the teacher. Students are strongly encouraged to complete elective courses offered by other faculties or departments outside of Desautels Faculty of Has some simple math (induction, big-O) but really nothing serious. Username Course registration is coming up and my ass needs to pick two electives next year!! I know that there are a bunch of lists online of bird courses but let's be real - since zoom university, I feel like many of the "traditional" bird courses were reorganized and became much tougher/heavier. Studying at McGill during the summer allows you to take advantage of everything Montreal has to offer. I would prefer to do research and write a bunch of texts than do exams. I'm looking for something relatively easy which wont disturb me much from my other courses. It's quite easy (not as easy as ANTH 227), and it's really fun! Jan 16, 2018 · For those who are not enrolled in a Science major and are feeling particularly adventurous this semester, The McGill Tribune has compiled a list of five fascinating electives that are sure to pique your interest. disclaimer: I enjoy areas of cs that are systems and programming heavy. Cramming in a week is not a feasible plan. Barely any math is done. out if u want to go deeper into these in the future and Could say PS 101 as well, was pretty fun to study psych for the first time but damn did I find that shit hard too. Attendance and participation are graded so if you are present and talkative it's an easy one. Just make sure at least 66% of your courses for your degree are at CU. Career Planning Service at McGill (CaPS) McGill’s CaPS assists with all types of job-related things. It's a classical Indian drum ensemble and you don't need a musical background to take it. 1. I had a lot of fun in MIMM 211. A. /r/MCAT is a place for MCAT practice, questions, discussion, advice, social networking, news, study tips and more. Pros: 1- Lab courses: I’ve only taken 261 so far (dynamic histology) and the labs were a lot of fun and you feel like you’re learning something new every week. maybe do some independent reading on it- I know that the "a short introduction to" series seems really good for that sort of thing. Are there any… Hi, I'm U2 nursing student coming from Health Science CEGEP, I'm currently having trouble finding some manageable 300 level or above electives for Fall 2021. It is like an overview of cog. I have seen the recommendations in the FAQ but it didn't really help me much. Electives are there for you to explore other fields of study that interest you. Tell us what cool electives you've taken and what made them interesting or unique! This is the one and only McGill University subreddit. gg/HDHvv58 Sure, they're probably among the easier undergrad courses offered at McGill, but in order to actually do well, you need to actually have an interest in studying the course's content. Hi ! I’m looking for some fun electives for next semester! I already did chem 183 and I’m currently enrolled in atoc 184. I'm not kidding. They help you write your resume/CV, search for potential jobs or internships along with many other things. Teaches a lot of new concepts if this is your first introduction to CS. There's an inter-university transfer authorization system you can use to take courses at McGill, udem, uni of Montreal. Apr 10, 2010 · PLEASE ONLY SUGGEST ELECTIVE CLASSES! (double check all MATH,ECON,COMP classes before posting please) PLEASE PROVIDE -COURSE CODE -COURSE NAME -INSTRUCTOR NAME Here's the definition of EASY CLASS. The reality is if you pick a course for a subject you find completely stultifying, you're not going to want to engage and spend time with the material and won't. Overall, I enjoyed the course and look forward to taking future courses with him. If the prof is Jerry Cain and you're interested in music, then you're in for a good time and more than likely a pretty easy A with some work. I'm not worried about difficulty, I just want to find something that's fun and where I will learn something "useful". gg/HDHvv58 As an elective I also took Chem 181 which was fun. What are some easy/enjoyable elective… Easy Fun Tunes Posted on May 14, 2020 Category : Beginner, Recommendations for fully online courses for winter 2023 needed! Thanks for your help! I’m ok with the exam being in person but hopefully no in person midterms or in person quizzes. Honestly one of the most fun classes I've taken at McGill. For COMP 345, of the 6 assignments, 2 are labelled as harder ones which took me (a non-COMP student) 2-4 days of on and off work to finish. External Users. The first digit of this course number offers a rough guide to the level of the course: 2 - U1 3 - U2 4 - U3 5 - U3/Graduate Students normally take courses appropriate to their year of study and/or when relevant pre-requisites, where they exist, are met. Concentrations and Courses in Biology Our Faculty have research specialties in one or more of: Conservation, Ecology, Evolution & Behaviour Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology Neurobiology & Behaviour Field Courses Courses, program concentrations and undergraduate research opportunities are thus available within and across these exciting disciplines. gg/HDHvv58 Phil 221 was absolutely amazing. I'm graduating next semester and I need two more electives to fulfill my major requirements. the prof is a theoretical physicist so you learn about all those McGill University My Courses. Any recommendations are great! Preferably without finals (if that's even possible). I was wondering if anyone could recommend to me some courses that I should take? Thanks! A subreddit for students, alumni, and faculty of the University of Ottawa in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. The essentials to consider are the Procedures and the Electives Policy, which details all the principles The University of Victoria is a major research university located in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. gg/HDHvv58 MATH180, PHYS181, COMP189 are easy and fun not too sciencey If you do electives for the sole reason that they're easy, your life will be miserable at McGill. The #1 social media platform for MCAT advice. Hey everyone, I'm a comp student and I have a whopping 4 elective classes to take before I graduate next year. Posted by u/StrugglingEngineerSt - No votes and 2 comments May 23, 2024 · Every year in Kahnawà:ke, a Kanien:keha’ka community on Montreal’s South Shore, students present their projects at a science fair organized by the Kahnawà:ke Education Center (KEC). Hey there, pretty much I have to take a cultural course as an elective, any recommendations? r/mcgill • Do any other class of 2024 Very fun prof and makes the best out of online school. gg/HDHvv58 I like the summer classes better, its condensed into 1 month, so if you're lucky you can take 3 and only worry about 1 at a time Downside is the system doesnt let you filter classes by start date or class times (and mcgill refused to update this as they said it would be expensive) so it's a struggle to coordinate it right, but worth it if you can find stuff that fits in your degree Hi, So I've been looking for an elective to choose, I'm in first year and would love to have a bit of a lighter work load, I was looking for courses that are interesting mainly, something maybe science based. If you’d rather avoid denser chemistry courses and have a penchant for memorization, this class will be right up your Electives are an opportunity for you to explore different specialty options and to gain exposure to your discipline(s) of interest. Not necessarily bird courses (already took MUAR 211) but anything with interesting content and a good prof that won't be a ton of work. It's a great thing to have, so don't waste it. I’ve looked at multiple McGill websites and it looks like all they say is that any courses in the faculty or arts and science can be taken by a BA student as an elective. All other course questions should be posted here. hi! i'm currently thinking about the classes that i want to take as electives. Classes like world of chemistry or physics of music. gg/HDHvv58 Last I heard, the POLI 221 prof said his lectures would be fully online even after covid. Rating. The normal course load is 15 credits (4-5 courses) per term for a total of approximately 30 credits (8-10 courses) per year. CHEM 181 – World of Chemistry: Food. The lab sections are so much fun. Assignments were much more complex compared to the lectures but he made sure to give us all the tools we needed so they were actually quite fun problems to do that further enhanced learning when done. You will naturally do better in courses that interest you because studying it won't be a chore. Hey everyone, I'm a student in electrical engineering and I need help finding an elective course. I am finishing up my bachelors program and I have to finish 2 elective courses (one that is 3 credits and the other that is 300 level or higher). What are electives Electives are courses that are not part of your major program of studies. By the end of the course you’ll be able to recognize and name most cells and tissues from the body on a microscopic slide. Can you take science electives if you are in the faculty of Arts? Do you have to… Linguistics is really fun! It is, however, hit and miss- some people simply can't do it, and others love it and can't get enough. Heidi Wendt. McGill has a ton of cool math courses that you can take! What you go for really depends on what you find interesting though. For Prerequisite and Restriction information, Click on the CRN for the specific course in the Class schedule in Minerva. Economic analysis of initiating, assembling, pricing and marketing equities of bonds, bills and complex financial instruments; financial innovation; its implications for financial stability and market failure; banks as brokers, underwriters, market makers and international allocators of credit; strategies of private and public agents operating in financial markets, monetary history. I took this course fully as an easy elective, but I actually really enjoyed the course material. Inspired by the teachings of renowned scholar Henry Mintzberg, this program emphasizes dynamic leadership growth, reflection, and practical skill development. Preferably something you were proud to take and enjoy. Hello all! I’m in need of 24 hrs worth of electives and wanted to know if there are any interesting/fun/easy classes I haven’t heard of. CEEB Conservation, Ecology This might be a really stupid question but I really like my major and if it’s possible I’d like to fulfill my elective credits by taking courses in my home department. I was looking for courses like photography, but it seems that McGill doesn't have those. I have to choose between both of them for this semester, and I think I'm going to take atoc for the only reason that it's much less work than muar Posted by u/user98876 - 5 votes and 2 comments Comp 302 is one of my favourite classes I’ve taken at McGill, super interesting and at the intersection of application and theory. In most engineering programs you can take your electives pass/fail, so why not take fun classes instead of easy ones? I loved Physics of music. If you're here to discuss or post anything related to McGill, you've come to the right place! If you want to join our discord, there's a link here: https://discord. hi please suggest electives for the up coming semesters that have little to no readings and that would be GPA boosters! please and thank you!! i have already taken CHEM 181, CHEM 183, ATOC 182, PHYS 181, EPSC 201 and CLAS 203 fun or easy electives? For easy ones, there's MUAR 211 (art of listening) and ATOC 185 (natural disasters) which are both two of the easiest electives at McGill. Programs, Courses and University Regulations—2024-2025 (last updated Mar. my lecturer was the best I've had for any subject and i found it really engaging and a nice change from my other courses. The profs are usually grad students and make their classes particularly interesting and are excited to teach ANTH227 was the easiest class I ever took. I'm also a HIST minor so pretty much just looking for interesting classes that aren't too much work. Bird course with a caveat: EPSC 240. I am not really interested in any math-heavy, or theory-heavy, but rather programming-heavy courses. Howdy. McGill. I want to be able to have a class that’s easygoing or interesting so I don’t have to stress too much about an elective. 0. I had Anil Ada, who I don't believe is a McGill lecturer any longer. and ofc, I gotta rec CHEM181 Food and CHEM183 Drugs as the easiest As of your life! Unlike most summer elective bird courses, language courses actually can end up being great on the ol' CV. If you don't get a response (for a 300 level or lower course), then let us know and you can post on the main page as well. I don’t really have an idea for another elective. Un subreddit pour les étudiants, les diplômés et la faculté de l'Université d'Ottawa à Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. It's about "real life physics," and common day to day questions, so not the theoretical stuff learnt in typical courses. During these electives, they will be exposed to the broad field of health sciences education, including pedagogical principles, curriculum, assessment, education research and development, and the role of the . This is the one and only McGill University subreddit. It is the student's What are electives Electives are courses that are not part of your major program of studies. I’m a U1 MIMM major and I’m looking for an easy elective to take because in my winter semester I have a class worth only 1 credit so I’m looking to… If you can, save up your electives for a while. Availability: Web. She is wonderful and knows more about life history than any other prof at McGill. Thanks very much! Intro to financial accounting is a nightmare for alot of U1 management students but very important indeed. Are you looking for classes for your program or just electives? Soci and Anth classes in the summer are always crazy easy and can be interesting and fun. I plan on taking an elective this summer to get rid of it, but I really don't want to go through another mental crisis after finals. Insanely low workload, practical lessons, and fun roleplay simulations every class. One more thing - i'm minoring in neuroscience, nsci200 and 201 are interesting but significantly harder + more material than psyc courses. If you ever decide to come here, make sure to balance your schedule with easy courses along with your courses required for you major. I want to know which one would be easy to do, meaning no exams or tests (if possible) and no final exam. Hell, any Ling course is recommended- you don't really need the prerequisites for most of the low level courses anyways. First off, what are some easy electives at McGill? I've heard that the following are: Bible and Western Culture Art of Listening Insect Biology I'm also wondering how easy it is to get an A in woman's studies as well as sexual diversity studies This is the one and only McGill University subreddit. Hello all, I’m a U0 faculty of arts student and I have a question. Some Faculties will not block your registration based on missing prerequisites or restrictions. Exams were take-home (online) as well. This is a 3-credit course taken at the 200-level or higher from any department at McGill, approved by the ECE Undergraduate Office (ENGTR 2060). Reply reply Suggestions for fun/interesting/easy electives I am a U2 student in management and was looking for some non-management electives. Probably not what you're looking for but some of the departments offer general interest courses (the course numbers all begin with 18). Time and again, the definitions will include cultural references. COMP 252: Honours Algorithms and Data Structures (partially online) Luc Devroye The absolute bane of my second term at McGill. Comp 206 has some fun assignments and is interesting in terms of content, and more application than theory-based. The first half with Cousineau is pretty easy - he's a great prof. This year, she Medical and Health Sciences Education electives are designed for medical students, residents and students in the other health professions who view education as part of their career. Electives being fun all depends on your personal preferences mostly - as you saw mine. Resource Documents - Elective Periods (PDF), Electives How-To (PDF) Parent Discipline (Minimum 3 disciplines required) Entry Route (Maximum 8 weeks per entry route – applicable starting class of 2021) Electives available at McGill Anesthesia Anesthesia Anesthesiology Anesthésiologie (Outaouais Hey guys, I'm coming from U0 and I know Psyc is hard, so if I can mix some required core courses with easier ones inside the faculty, that would be great. I'm in Arts, finished with my degree requirements and graduating soon & if I have to write one more paper I fear I'm not gonna make it. Its a basic geology field skills course with an introductory earth science course listed as a prereq but if you have an interest in it already you can email the prof and likely skip it. This course is considered a core course so it must be passed with a grade of "C" or better and cannot be taken under the S/U option Looking to expand your knowledge base, take some courses before university starts, or make up a few credits? McGill offers a wide array of condensed summer courses on two campuses designed for current students, visiting students, international students, or inter-university transfers. A, I took a computer engineering class. However, it is a very fun and rewarding class. It's a one-credit course and it's the most fun I've had at McGill in a long time. She's also great at answering questions during office hours. 02/06/2021. Thank you ! Please select an elective from the following electives table to find out more information. There is one instructor who teaches an easier section than the others, but on the whole, you've got to be doing things like attending concerts and writing about them using the terminology you're learning in class, writing short papers (depending on the section), and mastering a heck of a I’m not sure if there’s ‘unconventional’ courses in McGill. And they don't even mark for content - just that you did the assignment. Your professor could either make you Beginning fall 2018, new students in Electrical and Computer Engineering have to complete a general "free" elective. Edit: This is for Fall 2020! This is the one and only McGill University subreddit. Hey, I'm looking into taking some electives in History, Poli, Philosophy or Sociology as I have already a lot of classes in Math and CS, so I was wondering if anyone had good suggestions for electives they took and really liked, but that also gave them a break from the science world! Thanks I've taken the equivalent of phys 131 and phys 142, which are only freshman physics courses, and I found it super interesting. I'm on a co-op work program for 8 months and need to be a full time student when I return in January. Electives; Policies; Verification of Training; Events; McGill University 680 Sherbrooke West, 17th Floor Montréal, Québec H3A 2M7 pgme. inspired by this 6 year old post, and this 3 year old post, I decided to compile my experience with cs courses at McGill, as I have taken more cs courses than anybody I know and thought it might be helpful to people in choosing their schedule. McGill Department of Emergency Medicine McGill University Health Centre 1001 Decarie Boulevard Mail drop : CS1-6213 Montréal (Québec) H4A 3J1 Canada If you enrol in 5 courses (15 credits) in one semester, a suggested course selection would include: 2-3 courses for a Major Concentration 1-2 courses for a Minor Concentration 1-2 courses of electives Electives B. His assessments were fair and engaging. I've heard PHYS 180 (space, time and matter) with Wiseman is pretty fun if you have an interest in that kind of thing. what are the best 300 and 400 level economics electives to take? How is ECON440, ECON334, ECON424, etc Looking for fun electives . I'm going into this fall as a U3 in physics and have most of the program already finished, which leaves room for some elective courses. I've never had a mark in a language course that was lower than an A- (though it still takes work, and I just love languages anyhow so mileage will vary). After that, you have new professors every week teaching you about their fields of expertise. Im open to any suggestions. I don't have much choice for courses next semester due to all of the prereqs and coreqs for most ECSE courses. An elective can be related to music or another subject (e. Taking an elective is a convenient way to try out a course outside your principal Geog 217 Cities in the Modern World: a bit of work but SO much fun!! Hist 205 Ancient Mediterranean History: Not too much work and if it's with Kleinmann 15060% do it Really any classics course with Prof. A series of lectures on the historical, practical, and simple chemical aspects of: food, food additives; vitamins; minerals, diet and cancer; dieting; food-borne illnesses, health food and cooking. I did bcom major finance, if u dont hate math, I would recommend derivatives and fixed income. Our roots stretch back more than 70 yrs to a time when we were first established in 1947 and began making higher education more accessible for working adults, many of whom were servicemembers and veterans returning from World War II. especially things like derivatives and fixed income, they might help u figure. By "easy" I mean no essays, understandable material, no group assignments, basically a doable course. The class is interesting and the professor is very knowledgeable but the content is very heavy and even with my nursing knowledge it was hard for me to understand all the class content. For more than 15 years, KEC Science Curriculum Consultant Kathy Walsh has supported students at schools across the community as they prepare projects in the weeks leading up to the annual fair. that being said if you want to have a track record of it for future employers, taking an intro course may be good, but as others have mentioned As in the previous thread, course specific questions about 400+ level courses will be allowed on the main page. med@mcgill. CHEM 181: World of Chemistry: Food. Fun/easy math courses to take? So if all goes well next semester, I'll be entering the Computer Science General program in Winter and need to take Math electives. The MCAT (Medical College Admission Test) is offered by the AAMC and is a required exam for admission to medical schools in the USA and Canada. Free electives can be a combination of music courses and courses offered by other faculties. Rate My Professor is extremely useful in choosing your courses. I think that as students we get sucked into thinking that courses are the only way to learn, but it definitely isn't. i was just wondering if anyone here has taken any korean language courses and what their general opinions on the course are (course load, quality of I think that BIOL 320 was an amazing course, not only the Jon make the class super fun, but he is very passionate about the course content, which I find very inspiring. PHYS 180 level courses are fun and easy a friend of mine is taking actt 201 intro to acting , it looks super fun but the class time is a huge downside, this semester and the next one it ends at 9h45pm :( ps : i already went through the list 10 of the Easiest Courses at Concordia University by humans of university they were either not available or not interesting It covers a wide range of topics while giving translations and definitions. Some basic science courses are worth 4 credits - this means that taking 4 courses can still add up to 30 or more credits for the year. Prakash is also a gem! Definitely would recommend taking a class with him. Hello, next year will be my last year at McGill (hopefully), and I am having a hard time choosing my upper-level COMP courses. Well you know your Natty D's and Art of Listenings, but McGill also has some other less well known easy as fuck electives. Unfortunately, there is a handful of easy courses throughout McGill. However I can say that 400-500 level math courses can generally be more forgiving courses than 200-300, yet it depends on prof. GEOG 200 with Ford, incredibly nice guy, the class is ridiculously boring/general during the first month (eg "burning fossil fuels leads to increased greenhouse gases") but then gets fairly interesting later on. i Subject to the requirements and restrictions for non-Management electives as outlined above, all remaining elective credits may be taken in any faculty, Management or otherwise. • good complementary classes and electives • what teachers to look out for, and which to avoid Thanks in advance, and feel free to Posted by u/Hot-Objective-9183 - 94 votes and 19 comments Korean courses at McGill? hi! i'm an incoming u0 (maybe u1? we'll see) student and i've always wanted take korean in college (cuz i'm half korean so maybe i can finally understand my family lol). I'm planning my future courses and was looking for some feedback on • how manageable my semesters will be • if you recommend certain courses in a certain order. So i wouldn't count them as a "fun light work-load elective", you really gotta put in effort to do well. Apr 14, 2011 · Hey everyone, I want to have a high GPA, obviously. I also have some transfer credits so just trying to fill the space that the transfer credits created without taking all my electives and hummanities courses in first year. Courses at the 200 level are recommended for students as electives or as the first courses to take if you are interested in a minor concentration in that area. That is, U1 students would I've always wanted to take an ENGL elective but I really don't know which would be the best to dip my toes in, as a CS major who's sorta-okay at essay writing and analyzing? I was advised against taking ENGL 422 - Studies in 19th Century American Literature last Fall because it would've been my first ENGL class (but Gibian sounded fun :c) The McGill Executive Leadership Experience (MELE) offers a transformative six-day journey for seasoned managers and executives. Some that I am interested in are COMP 409, 512, 521 (Probably doing this one), 557, among others. Sounds mighty interesting, thank you! I'm just worried about History classes that are high school/CEGEP kind of level, where the teachers assign really easy work, and basically you are being told what happened, without much of a look at the raw numbers, sources, and other intricacies that go into the analysis of any historical event. hardly any summer courses. You get to handle and inspect hundreds of fossils dating back hundreds of millions of years. if u prefer qualitative things, I would recommend capital markets and international finance. Please be advised that McGill students are allowed to start booking their electives between 2 to 12 months in advance of the elective start date. McGill, as do all other Canadian Medical Schools, requires that you complete electives in a minimum of three different disciplines, see list of disciplines. Login to myCourses McGill's Learning Management System. HSEL 308 (Issues in Women's Health) is a good elective for an upper-year. Guest. Biol400 is a good elective, I took it this summer and learned a lot even though I hate history. I was looking at the courses I was gonna take in my 1st semester, and I saw Calculus 1, Mechanics and Waves, Linear Algebra and Geometry, Intro to Engineering Profession, and a Group B course. You get 35% of your final mark for writing one sentence every week. these topics are pretty important (and interesting!)for finance people. Students, Instructors and Staff. 15, 2024) ( disclaimer ) May 26, 2010 · <p>the EPSC and ATOC courses available to science students (like 205, 200, 250, i forget) also if you’ve taken physics and are pretty good at math, i think theyre phys200 and phys206 or something, one is ‘milky way inside and out’, the other is ‘space, time and matter’ which was actually one of my favorite classes. Lectures are short (never the full 3h a week) and assignments are incredibly short & weekly. Dear all, As a B. I’ve taken BEHV 3200 as well as HGMT 4300. qeidy astvs xjhe uxzsyt gmbyc qbqo chsaa fnufwb ynh fhnuec warld nsnx oyllyj cize wseram